Maskal, a well-known music star, has returned to Malawi after residing in the United States of America. The reason for his return is to participate in the "Nde'feyo Legacy" show at Golden Peacock in Lilongwe, on 3 february 2024, where he will be performing alongside Onesimus and PiKsyThe collaboration between Maskal, Onesimus, and Piksy indicates a potentially exciting and diverse musical performance Maskal has been a prominent figure in the music industry for decades and has produced numerous hit songs. His return and participation in the show suggest a significant presence and influence in the Malawian music scene.
Maskal has expressed appreciation for the positive changes brought about by newer artists in the Malawian music industry.
He specifically mentioned artists like Driemo, Eli Njuchi, and Praise Umali.Maskal is open to collaborating with these emerging talents, indicating a positive and supportive attitude toward the newer generation of musicians.
His willingness to collaborate with and appreciate the contributions of newer artists reflects a healthy and supportive environment within the music industry. This collaboration has the potential to further enrich and diversify the musical landscape in Malawi.
Maskal really took his time in diaspora